ReDes – Regenerative Design offers training, consultancies and designs in permaculture and sociocracy. Click here to see them.
What is permaculture
The word permaculture was first coined by Australians David Holmgren and Bill Mollison in 1978.
‘Permaculture’ is a word composed of ‘permanent’ and ‘(agri)culture’.
Permaculture brings together the wisdom of many pre-colonization societies around the world into a coherent whole.
The objective of those who dedicate themselves to permaculture is to design and implement humanized agricultural and social, political and economic systems based on natural patterns. By imitating natural ecosystems, humanized systems will be abundant and resilient. They will have the ability to resist external shocks and become stronger after them.

Permaculture is an ethical system of ecology applied to design.
Ecology is the study of the home; the study of the natural world. How do you observe and study something so complex? You do it by realizing that in nature a series of patterns (forms, behaviors) are repeated infinite times because they are the most efficient ways that nature has found to carry out certain functions. By learning to recognize these patterns you will be carrying out the best observation possible.
Design, designing, is creating the conditions for the greatest possible number of relationships to occur between the different elements that make up a system. Both the elements and the relationships between them will follow natural patterns.
Permaculture is based on its ethical and design principles. These are concretized in strategies, which are developed through techniques. In order to put all this into a design we have the resource of different design processes, methods and tools. This presentation will help you clarify these concepts.
Learn from nature and replicate what you learn. Nature is your teacher. You are nature, as is all of humanity.