Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design

Alessandro Ardovini is a tutor and founding member of the Academy of Permacultura Íbera (Academia de Permacultura Íbera, the Spanish Permaculture Academy). With the Academy you can obtain a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design.
«The Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design It is a self-managed training path, with a minimum duration of 2 years. To begin this path it is necessary to have completed a Permaculture Design Course (CDP) of at least 72 hours. During this training path […] you will make ten permaculture designs where you will demonstrate your ability to apply permacultural design, with its ethical and design principles, in addition to the different methodologies, tools and design strategies, to different situations and areas.
During your active learning journey, you will receive the support of a tutor from the academy who will accompany you in the most critical phases and will review your design work whenever you need it, until you reach the day of accreditation.
The learning process will make you a better designer, […] you will learn to live in a more sustainable and resilient way and it is an opportunity to meet like-minded people.
The Academy of Permacultura Íbera works with several Permaculture Academies from other European countries so that the different diploma processes are recognized at the European level.
As an example of a final diploma project, here you can access the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design by Alessandro Ardovini.